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All Categories: Home ->  News ->  Company ->  Installation and use of hollow encoder
Hollow encoder is a rotary encoder with spare parts in the middle for customers to add function applications. Many customers apply it to the application of function rotation and key position of vehicle-mounted products or power amplifiers, some kitchen appliances, medical equipment, etc. The hollow encoder has a good handle, and the hollow space can be attached with a press switch to meet the needs of multi-function. Today we will discuss the installation method of the hollow encoder and the precautions for the operation of the hollow encoder. Installation method of hollow encoder Generally, the hollow encoder is directly installed on the output shaft of the equipment, so how to install the hollow encoder? First, install the shrapnel on the encoder and lock it with screws, then unscrew the locking ring of the encoder from the screw, and then gently push the encoder onto the output shaft of the coupling on the client. At this time, the output shaft of the client is stationary. At this time, the main shaft of the encoder needs to rotate for two weeks, so that the shrapnel of the encoder is fixed on the mounting hole, and finally lock the locking ring of the encoder with the screw, This completes the installation. Precautions for hollow encoder operation 1. Whether the resolution of the encoder meets the use requirements of the equipment means that when the encoder works, it will output a group of pulses per turn to see whether it meets the use accuracy requirements of the equipment. 2. The common output modes of hollow encoder include push-pull output, open collector and voltage output. When using the encoder, it is necessary to consider whether its output mode matches the interface circuit of the control system of the device. 3. During the use of the encoder, pay attention to whether the connection between the encoder output shafts is flexible. If it is loose or jumpy, the encoder shaft disc will be easily damaged. 4. When operating the encoder wiring, make sure that the wiring between the encoder and the equipment is not wrongly connected, so as to avoid damage to the internal circuit of the encoder due to wrong connection in use. 5. For frequent use of hollow encoders, it is necessary to pay attention to the regular inspection of the components connecting the encoder and the equipment, such as whether the fixing screws of the encoder are loose, or whether there is any fault between the lines, so as to avoid some safety hazards and other accidents in the use of the encoder. 6. Since the hollow encoder is composed of components with high precision, it is necessary to avoid some water drops or oil splashing inside the encoder during use, so as to prevent the components inside the encoder from contacting with water drops, which may cause some short circuit and other faults. 7. Before installing the hollow encoder, it is necessary to first confirm whether the positioning seam on the equipment, the installation space, the installation space volume, the installation hole position and other working environment protection meet the requirements.
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