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How to use digital potentiometer to eliminate voltage changes_ How to use digital potentiometer to eliminate voltage changes? Xiaobian found some technical stickers shared by technicians from the network. If it is just right to use it, follow it. Mechanical potentiometers and digital potentiometers have uncertain end-to-end tolerances. The typical value of end-to-end resistance error of digital potentiometers is 20% to 30%. When digital potentiometers and other resistors are connected in series to form a voltage divider network, the deviation of this resistance value may cause some problems, resulting in voltage variation exceeding the allowable error range. This application note discusses a design method of proportional circuit, which converts resistance deviation into acceptable current variation and can effectively eliminate voltage variation. In the circuit given here, the voltage output depends on the ratio of potentiometer, which can also be used in design
Knob type adjustable potentiometer is our commonly used adjustable potentiometer. The resistance change modes of adjustable potentiometer include linear scale type, Z type plus logarithmic type, X type also called linear scale type and logarithmic scale type; The resistance adjustment modes of adjustable potentiometers include single-turn, multi-turn, linear sliding, push-pull, direct sliding and rotary. What are the applicable fields of rotary adjustable potentiometers? Let's sort it out for you. Application range I: most digital products, such as color display, DVD, power amplifier, speaker (iron handle potentiometer), high-frequency electronic tuner, wireless headset, high-frequency module, digital camera, LCD/LCM display
What should we consider when selecting the model of adjustable potentiometer? The following aspects should be considered clearly before we select the adjustable potentiometer. Voltage and current limit of adjustable potentiometer When the voltage applied to both ends of the adjustable potentiometer increases to a certain value, the phenomenon of breakdown will occur, so that the resistance value increases irreversibly or opens, so the applied voltage must be limited to a certain extent. The breakdown of resistors generally occurs between two outgoing lines or between spiral grooves. The breakdown voltage between outgoing lines depends on the shape, distance and ambient atmospheric pressure between the outgoing lines. Therefore, the breakdown voltage between resistor grooves
What causes the inaccurate resistivity test_ The adjustable resistor is an adjustable electronic component. It is composed of a resistor and a rotating or sliding system. When a voltage is applied between the two fixed contacts of the resistance body, the position of the contact on the resistance body can be changed by rotating or sliding the system, and a voltage that has a certain relationship with the position of the moving contact can be obtained between the moving contact and the fixed contact. It is mostly used as a voltage divider. This is because the potentiometer is a four-terminal element. The potentiometer is basically a sliding rheostat, which has several types. It is generally used to adjust the volume switch of the speaker and the power of the laser head
What are the characteristics of hollow encoder_ The hollow encoder is a coding switch that is rotated by the hollow shaft through the shaft. Its biggest feature is hollow. The hollow space can meet the needs of multi-function. It is widely used in car audio, air conditioning, navigation, car, and other household appliances such as DVD player, audio equipment, LCD monitor, air conditioning equipment, remote control, microwave oven, multi-function stove, washing machine, etc. What are the characteristics of hollow encoder? To sum up today, you can choose to use it according to actual needs. Features 1. The shaft diameter size of hollow shaft encoder is suitable for the extended shaft of the motor, and the position can be flexibly adjusted through the spring plate
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